Saturday, January 23, 2010

Highway Rescue XH (extra hand)

So here is the final version:
Complete with tool box, battery charger, gas tank, jack, air compressor and spair tires.

Ready to fix a flat.

Need a jump start?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I've recently taken on a Daft Punk helmet project. With an online print out, I tested the size and fit of the face mask.

Next, after a little resizing, I cut it out of a thin cardboard material.

Coming soon is some trimming, fiber glassing, and ear pieces
This is a little hot rod mixture between the orange "Flame Racer" and
black fendered stocking stuffer car.
This one with out the front "chin" guard.
Chin Guard back on

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I am trying to make a highway rescue/emercengy repair type vehicle:

Here is the first attempt:

Here is the second attempt: